Lesica Lab

Our research group is focused on the study of hearing from the perspective of the neural code — the activity patterns in the brain that carry information about incoming sounds. We use a combination of large-scale in vivo electrophysiology and computational methods, with a focus on the “front-end” of hearing in the early auditory pathway. We use the datasets that we collect in our lab to build deep neural network models of the brain and to design improved assitive listening technologies.

Check out …

our DNN model for simulating neural coding in the inferior colliclus 

a perspective on the transformative potential of AI in hearing healthcare

a blog discussing the challenges of hearing aid design

a News & Views about our research on neural coding and hearing aids

Click here to view all of our research publications


The Team

Lloyd Pellatt, Shievanie Sabesan, Fotis Drakopoulos, Nick Lesica, Tingchen Gong, Pawichaya (Opal) Suphinnapong, Pauline Maouad